Welcome and thanks for visiting the Fluoride Free Towns Campaign website.
This project was set up in early 2014 to assist those around the country looking to see Ireland’s position in relation to the policy of Community Water Fluoridation brought in line with European precedent where not one other EU State[1] currently enforces a national mandatory water fluoridation policy upon her citizens.
With many questions hanging over the policy, some 40%[2][3] of the population now suffering from dental fluorosis which contravenes conditions attached to the legislation by the Irish High Court and Supreme Court[4] (Ryan v Attorney General 1964) as well as serious concerns for the safety of the unborn caused by the maternal fluoride intake crossing the placenta, the general public are advised to avoid all systemic exposure to fluoride and to create awareness of the issue with your own families, friends and communities.
Significant steps that have taken place in recent years include..
- Half the country’s City or County Council’s passed motions calling on the Government to scrap Water Fluoridation.
- The HRB Review (2015) was published. Unfortunately the review was prohibited from examining the effects of fluoridation on dental health with positive or negative.
- The FSAI are due to update their position in relation to fluoride due to evidence presented that primary dentition fluorosis is a birth defect, a claim which is attributed to the European Commission sanctioned SCHER Report (2011).
- Fluoride at exposure levels likely to be encountered by those living in artificially fluoridated regions have recently been shown in a US Government funded longitudinal study to be statistically linked with a reduction in IQ.
- And amongst other points, the position statement on which The Expert Body on Fluorides and Health advises the Minister for Health with regards the safety and efficacy of CWF (Community Water Fluoridation) has been shown to be a misrepresentation of the legislation or judgements referred to as the basis for continuing to sanction the policy.
Fluoride Free Towns wishes to thank all those who visit this website and also encourages concerned citizens, public representatives or journalists to contact us if any references of clarification are required to substantiate any of the claims made on this website. Like any contentious public issue, FFT fully accepts and acknowledges all parties submitting and disseminating authoritative position statements to the public should be fully accountable and open to question. Unfortunately, those authorities with overall responsibility and oversight for the policy in Ireland do not share this same viewpoint.
Please feel free to browse this website for further information regarding oversight and implementation of the policy as well as online projects which you can follow to connect with others who are similarly concerned over the impacts fluoridation is having on our Nation.
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluoridation_by_country
[2] York Report (2001)
[3] Cochrane Review (2015)
[4] http://www.supremecourt.ie/supremecourt/sclibrary3.nsf/pagecurrent/9FA0AA8E8D261FC48025765C0042F6B3?opendocument&l=en
References to be updated soon